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Your Cat’s Diet Can Influence His Behavior

August 1 2015
Your orange tabby Pumpkin doesn’t give much thought to his meals. Your four-year-old feline housemate just assumes you’ll fill his bowl with top-notch kibbles every day. This busy fellow realizes that a superior feline formula helps to keep his intestinal system running smoothly. He’s also happy that his quality blend gives him plenty of energy. That consistent “oomph” is essential for playing with cat toys and keeping your two teenaged cats under control. However, Pumpkin doesn’t know that his diet can affect his behavior…for good or for bad. Fortunately, your veterinarian understands this complex relationship and will prescribe an optimum food for your cat’s nutritional needs.

Mental Sharpness Booster

You’ve always thought Pumpkin was a pretty intelligent cat. After all, he solves his treat puzzles in record time. He can also sense when you’re attempting to give him a pill; and he runs for cover before you can catch him. Perhaps your problem-solving feline enjoyed a kitten diet rich in the fatty acid DHA. Researchers have concluded that kittens who eat food enhanced with this nutrient seem to display greater mental acuity, or mental sharpness.

Feeding Schedule Factor

Your cat’s feeding schedule can help determine his attitude. For many years, countless felines received one bowl of food daily, often in the morning. Although they probably thanked their lucky stars for this generous serving, this free-access feeding enabled them to gorge themselves all day. That binging behavior often led to unwelcome weight gain and potential health problems. Today, veterinarians often prescribe two or three scheduled feedings daily. This change in eating habits can help to make your feline housemate’s digestive system happier. If you add regular exercise to the mix, you might notice a positive change in your cat’s mood and mindset.

Substandard Diet Fallout

Pumpkin would probably object if you attempted to feed him a poorly balanced diet. Even worse, his substandard menu could contribute to an unfortunate health problem. While your poor feline companion battled physical symptoms, perhaps including pain or discomfort, he would likely become irritable. In fact, he could develop a behavioral problem that wouldn’t otherwise occur. During Pumpkin’s regular physical checkups, your veterinarian will fine-tune your cat’s diet to meet his changing nutritional needs. If your predictable feline companion suddenly displays a radical mood shift, contact your vet about a potential medical or behavioral problem.

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